Severe Weather Dismissal

Please make yourself familiar with our severe weather dismissal procedures.

Regular Dismissal

Regular dismissal begins at 3:05 (2:05 on Wednesday).

Walkers dismiss toward the bike racks.

Bus and Daycare van riders dismiss to their vehicles on Ramp B.

Extended Day meets in the Red Apple Dining Room.

Car Riders:

  • VPK, K, and 1st Grade: Car Ramp A

  • 2nd - 5th Grade: Car Ramp B

  • All cars picking up must have the current school year car sign. No Exceptions!

Severe Weather Dismissal

If there is severe weather in our area, the adminsitrative team will determine wheter or not to pause and/or delay dismissal.

The first priority is student and staff safety.

Every effort will be made to communicate with families via School Messenger (email & text) as well as through our Facebook page.

If there is rain only, students will be dismissed.

If there is lightning within the immediate area, students will be staged into dismissal areas inside the building so that we can begin dismissal as soon as it is safe for everyone.

Bus & day care vans will be loaded.

Walkers will go to the Red Apple Dining room.

Car Ramp A car riders will be in the media center.

Car Ramp B car riders will be in classrooms near the car line.

In the event that there is a severe weather incident in our immedaite area, the school will be placed on a Code Yellow, meaning all students and staff will remain in their classrooms and the front office will be closed to visitors. This is to help ensure the safety of both students, staff, and families coming to Stenstrom. If the school is put on a code yellow, we will make every effort to share that information through School Messenger and our Facebook page. During a code yellow, we are unable to check students out from their classrooms. Please remain in your vehicles until the code yellow has been lifted.

We know that the weather can cause frustrations and headaches at the end of the day! We want to get everyone home safely and as quickly as possible. Each weather event is unique and may cause variations to this plan. We make every attempt to make the safest decisions for our entire school and communicate those decisions as quickly as possible. We appreciate your patience.

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